As appeared in Kompas daily newspaper on 22 June 2017, the CEO and Managing Partner of Leks&Co, Eddy Leks, will be a facilitator on 2 days workshop organized by Kontan Academy, titled “Kupas Tuntas Aspek Hukum Properti & Pengembangannya” . The event will be held on 20 – 21 July 2017 from 09.00 – 16.00 WIB at Hotel Santika Premiere Jakarta.

There will be full of important materials that make it worthy to be attended. They are: The Basic of Land Law; Housing and Settlement Law (Developer Perspective); Flats Law (Developer Perspective); Land Procurement; Asset Acquisition or Shares of Property Companies and Property Legal Due Diligence; Terms and Condition of Property Development; Example of Simulation of acquisition case and Related Poperty Dispute.As the bonus, he will discuss about Government Regulation Property Ownership for Foreigners.  Read More 


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